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Becoming a Member of the Ninth Legion

Welcome to Legio IX

This information is intended to get you started to prepare yourself for a Roman Impression as a member of Legio IX. Your impression should be based on Legio IX's service in Britain between Boudica's Revolt in AD 60 and the invasion of Caledonia (Scotland), the battle of Mons Graupius, and the following occupation, up to AD 85.


If you are under 18, you MUST have signed permission from your parent or guardian to participate. Those under 16 are allowed to participate in drill training only, but NOT combat or combat training. If you are under 16, you MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

We have several "Categories of Membership":

  1. TIRO - Volunteers who have have submitted an application form and have had their application accepted. The unit will help you make or purchase necessary clothing and equipment, and in the meantime can provide loaners so you can participate in events. (DO NOT BUY ANYTHING WITHOUT ASKING THE LEADERSHIP FIRST! We have suggestions of reputable vendors.)
  2. PROBATUS — New members that have purchased or made their own caligae and tunica, and have been to at least one event*.
  3. MILES — Members who have obtained all necessary equipment** and are active participants who have been to at least one public or immersion event*

*Event is defined as any scheduled Legio IX activity as listed on the events page of the LEG IX website, discussion forum, + or Facebook group.

**Equipment necessary to progress in rank includes:

  • Caligae ( or calcei)
  • Tunica
  • Galea
  • Gladius
  • Lorica
  • Balteus.

*Civilian members may also attain different status based on their impressions' completeness.

To Get Started:

First: Talk to the Centurio or any Legio IX member. They will help you get orientated to the ancient genre of reenacting and guide you through the process of becoming a member.

Second: Join for emails and updates. This is a place where you can ask any and all questions about the hobby, gear, and construction of gear without feeling like a newcomer! The yahoo group will also keep you informed on upcoming events.

Third: Join the Legio IX Forum here on this site (maybe also)

Fourth: This is a two part step. Part 1: Print off a copy of the Ludus Militis tactica (drill manual) located in our files section. Part 2: Study up on Latin. We know it's a dead language, but you will want to know how to say hello, goodbye, yes sir, etc... in Latin. Don't worry, only a few of us speak it as a second language. We are developing a basic conversation guide for our handbook, which will help you.

Fifth: Start planning your equipment acquisition and determine which items you will buy and which you will make yourself. You should always ask your sponsor or a senior unit member before you buy anything! Not only will this keep you from wasting your money on bad stuff, they may be able to get you a better price, or suggest the best supplier. There is no rush to purchase anything. The Legion has equipment you can borrow until you complete your impression. If you have the gift of being a good craftsman, you can make nearly everything scratch!

Sixth: Borrow or check out some books.

Finally: If you have a question, ask the group, one of us will know the answer or get you in the right direction. The only thing we require is a noble attitude, we can supply the rest!

Legio IX Hispana


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